Dedicated to the Development of Doulas and Our Profession

WMJ magazine cover. Doulas in the delivery room: A look at economics and outcomes
Hard Research: Birth Doulas Save Insurers and Hospitals Money

I am absolutely THRILLED to begin my new blog with my latest journal article, published in the Wisconsin Medical Journal.  In this collaboration, our team estimated the immediate cost savings per delivery with in-hospital professional doula support in Wisconsin.  This article strives to fill the gap regarding the financial impact of doula care based on the assumption that certain interventions and procedures would be avoided due to the doula’s presence.  We actually…

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Labor Support – You Mean That’s A Profession?

In my twenty-five years of offering labor support professionally, there is one persistent challenge that our profession still faces:  that of legitimacy.  While people may be more knowledgeable about what the term doula means, they are still befuddled by what we actually do.  If you asked someone who already knew what a doula was, what a doula actually did, they would be hard pressed to describe it accurately.  Most people think (even those we think should know bette…

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